Principal Message


It is with great pride and privilege that I, Dr. J.K. Sant, Principal of PMCOE Govt Tulsi College, Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh, welcome you to our esteemedinstitution. Established in 1972, our college has a rich legacy of fosteringacademic excellence, holistic development, and a passion for learning.

In 2024, our college embarked on a new chapter, with a renewed identity as PMCOE Govt Tulsi College, signifying our commitment to providing high-qualityeducation and promoting an environment that encourages innovation, criticalthinking, and personal growth. We are dedicated to nurturing future leaders,thinkers, and professionals who will contribute positively to society.

Our highly qualified faculty, state-of-the-art facilities, and diverse curriculumare tailored to cater to the aspirations of our students. We believe infostering an inclusive environment where every student has the opportunity toexcel and realize their potential.

Iinvite all students to take full advantage of the opportunities our collegeoffers and to participate actively in the academic, cultural, and co-curricularactivities that form the foundation of a well-rounded education. Together, letus continue to build on our legacy and stride towards a brighter future.

Warm regards,


Dr. J.K. Sant
Principal, PMCOE Govt Tulsi College
Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh