Our Motto

ll सा विद्या या विमुक्तये ll

ll सा विद्या या विमुक्तये ll


forms part of a verse appearing in Vishnu-Purana (1.19.41).

Meaning: That which liberates is knowledge


तत्कर्म यन्त्र बन्धाय सा विद्या या विमुक्तये ।

 आयासायापरं कर्म विद्यान्या शिल्पनैपुणम् ॥

The verse also occurs in the anthology of subhasitas entitled "Sarangadharapaddhati" (No.4396). In this latter work, the source of the verse is given as Vasisthat. The verse obviously possesses  an ethical-spiritual import and may be translated as follows:
“That is (right) action which does not conduce to bondage (Karmabandha in the Bhagavadgita sense); that is (true) knowledge which conduces to final liberation or spiritual emancipation; (any) other knowledge implies mere skill in craft"

 "बन्धन का कारण न हो, वही कर्म है और मोक्ष को सिद्ध करने वाली हो, वही विद्या है ।

 इससे भिन्न कर्म व्यर्थ परिश्रम रूप और भिन्न विद्याएँ केवल कला-कौशल रूप ही हैं ॥"



।। सा विद्या या विमुक्तये ।।