Key Indicator 7-2 Best Practices

Best Practice-2 “Promotion of a sense of social responsibility among the students”

Title of the Practice:


                                 “Promotion of a sense of social responsibility among the students”




Anuppur district is mainly a tribal-dominated area. Government Tulsi College has been a permanent option of higher education at the local level in this area dominated by tribal population for years. The primary objective of the college is to provide quality education to the students of tribal and backward communities and make them responsible citizens. So that they work in the overall interest of the country and society. At the same time the collage endeavors to help the weak or inactive through its efficient and active National Service Scheme (NSS) unit and management in general. Our other important objectives of this exercise are –

● Development of leadership potential in students.

● Inculcate commitment among students towards social and civic responsibility

● Promote learning for both students and community members.

● To play a role in capacity building in the community to work on complex social problems.




Social responsibility is the moral obligation of an organization or individual that keeps it alert to take such decisions or actions that are useful to society. Along with education and personality development, the primary objective of education should be to develop social responsibility in the students. Our actions affect others that is why we should try to positively affect individuals and society. As an educational institution, it is the moral duty of the college to work in the overall interest of the environment and society through its students.


In the current scenario, students are part of a competitive and dynamic work culture, where there is a need to develop the overall personality of the students along with their academic ability. Social responsibility is developed in students through various activities in college. By participating in social activities, they also realize their duties as responsible citizens. Apart from this, the students also get access to global opportunities and benefits.




Govt. Tulsi College organizes various programs throughout the academic year to create awareness about important issues like environment protection, women empowerment, Beti-Bachao Beti-Padhao, de-addiction, and child protection.

The National Service Scheme (NSS) unit of the college associates the students with extension activities to serve society and prevent social evils.


 Social Awareness Programmes & Extention Activities


·       NSS unit organizes tree plantation, blood donation, and a 7-day residential camp at Adopt Village (Paraswar and Kusmahai), where the students are made aware of the problems prevalent in the local community, the students spread awareness about cleanliness, education, drug addiction to the villagers there. Various activities like street plays and motivational lectures are organized to spread awareness about emancipation, gender equality, etc. to develop a sense of social responsibility and empathy in them.


·       College students are trained by the National Cadet Corps (NCC) and National Service Scheme (NSS) units and they are recruited as volunteers whenever there is a need for government machinery/administration such as elections, vaccination drives, management of traffic, etc. is kept.


·       Blood donation camps and health counseling and fitness and yoga programs are organized regularly to serve the people and contribute to staying healthy.


·       The Red Ribbon Club of the college is active in organizing events like AIDS Awareness, First Aid Services, and Health Awareness Rally.


Cooperation on epidemics and other natural disasters 


·       A public message was issued by the principal at the time of the Corona Pandemic.

·       With the help of volunteers in God Gram, an awareness program was organized to inform about the epidemic, ways to avoid it, and to get corona vaccine.


·       During the Kovid-19 vaccination drive, a special vaccination camp was organized on the college campus, in which college volunteers were deployed to motivate people to get vaccinated. A compulsory donation of ₹ 2000 was given to the Chief Minister's Relief Fund by the staff and office bearers of the college including the principal.


·       The college in association with the National Cadet Corps (NCC) and National Service Scheme (NSS) unit conducts programs on disaster management for the students and staff to train them to help people in the event of natural calamities like earthquakes, famine, flood, etc.


Protection, Promotion, and Dissemination Of Democratic & Constitutional Values

·       For the protection, promotion, and dissemination of democratic and constitutional values, the college contributes every year on 25 January through voter awareness programs, campaigns and rallies, slogan writing, essay writing, etc.


·       The Institute organizes and celebrates awareness programs on days of international/national and worldwide importance such as International Women's Day. On Constitution Day, National Youth Day, National Integration Day, World Wild Life Day, Environment Day, AIDS Day, Population Day, National Voters Day, etc. mass oath cycle rallies, marathons, speeches and human chain street plays, etc. are organized.


·       The college organizes cultural activities through 'Yuva-Utsav' and 'Youth Parliament Manchan’, providing a platform for the HOLISTIC development of the students and making them aware of their social responsibilities.


Career Fairs and Other Skill Enhancement Training


Career fairs and other employment skill training are organized by the Swami Vivekananda Career Guidance Cell of the college, which has benefited the unemployed, job seekers, and employers of the district.


The college regularly organizes employment, self-employment, entrepreneurship development, and skill enhancement training every year under the Swami Vivekananda Career Guidance Scheme run by Madhya Pradesh Higher Education Department. Along with this, students also get the benefit of placement facilities through job fairs. It empowers our students through employability, making them socially, politically, and economically active citizens.


Evidence of Success:


·       The NSS of the college has successfully motivated people in the vaccination drive which is reflected in a large number of people getting vaccinated at the center established in the college.

·       The college has successfully motivated the villagers to enroll their girl child in higher education which shows the increase in enrollment of female students.

·       Citation received by assistant professors of the college for the efforts of the college under the voter awareness campaign

·       And the citation received by UNICEF for the special contribution made towards child protection under the “AAGAAZ Internship Work Program 2022” to the volunteers of the National Service Scheme of the college shows the success of their efforts.



Social Impact:


The social services provided by the institute help in the upliftment of the society. Not only the society is benefited by the social work done by the students, but the students are also benefited in a big way from these social services. It teaches them discipline, value the resources available to them, learn the benefits of sustainable development, better utilization of time and resources, importance of social bonds and teamwork, feel the satisfaction of serving the society selflessly; It motivates the students to do social good and create awareness in the society and also helps them to develop better communication skills by interacting with different strata of the society.

Blood Donation Programms

Child Protection Awareness Programs

God Gram Certificate

Health Awareness & Vaccination Programs

Nasha – Mukti Abhiyan

NSS Annual Reports

Voter Awareness Programs