Key Indicator 3-2 Innovation Ecosystem

Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations, Indian Knowledge System (IKS), including awareness   about IPR, establishment of IPR cell, Incubation centre and other initiatives for the creation and transfer of knowledge/technology and the outcomes of the same are evident

The innovation ecosystem at the college isdesigned to foster competent and skilled individuals through a focus onresearch and exploration. This ecosystem aims to create new knowledge, skills,and innovations to address social challenges like climate change and inclusion.Key aspects of this ecosystem include well-developed infrastructure,comprehensive research support, and various extracurricular activities.

Infrastructure and Facilities

1. Classrooms and Laboratories: The college featureswell-developed, airy classrooms and a fully-equipped science laboratory.Additionally, smart classrooms and a conference hall support digitalpresentations and interactive learning for research.

2. Library: The library houses approximately22,364 books, including those from the UGC, a book bank, and journals. Ane-library provides computers with high-speed internet and Wi-Fi (N-List),facilitating extensive research and study opportunities.

Research and Professional Development

1. Competitive Exam Guidance: Experts and mentorsoffer guidance for competitive examinations, helping students prepareeffectively.

2. Professional Resources: The college providesaccess to mentors, expert faculty, consultants, a research committee, andworkshops on research methodology.

3. Research Culture: To instil research values,students engage in 60-hour collaborative research internships as part of theirUG and PG programs. These internships are conducted at various organizations,enriching students' practical knowledge.

4. Publication Guidance: Support is available forpublishing papers and articles in reputed, peer-reviewed journals.

Extracurricular Activities

1. Sports:  a playground for cricket,kho-kho, volleyball, football, and kabaddi, as well as an indoor stadium forbadminton and chess.

2. National Service Scheme (NSS): The NSS unit,comprising 200 students, conducts numerous activities and camps focused onthemes like cleanliness campaigns, voter awareness, and Beti Bachao BetiPadhao.

3. Gym Facility: An open gym is available forstudents.

Laboratory and Practical Work

1. Lab Facilities: Practical work is emphasized,with laboratory sessions complementing theoretical classes. During the COVID-19pandemic, chemistry students produced hand sanitizer, demonstrating thepractical application of their knowledge.

Personality and Career Development

1. Career Guidance: The Swami Vivekanand CareerGuidance Cell organizes programs for personality development, employment, andcareer advancement.

Environmental and Social Initiatives

1. Botanical Garden: The college maintains abotanical garden. Annually, numerous trees are planted by staff and students,and medicinal plants are cultivated.

2. Mission Life and Millets Awareness: Under theInternational Year of Millets (IYOM - 2023) initiative, the Cultural Committeeorganized essay and poem writing competitions on May 30, 2023, to raiseawareness about the health benefits of millets. The Economics Department alsoconducted an online quiz competition from May 24 to June 5, 2023.

3. World Earth Day: The Department of Economicshosted an online lecture series on the implications, goals, and objectives ofWorld Earth Day.

Idea House and IKS Activities

1.    Periodic Table Rangoli: the chemistry departmentorganized a Rangoli competition on the periodic table, promoting creativity andscientific knowledge.

2.     Variouscompetitions including clay, Rangoli, and poster making have been organized bythe Indian Knowledge System.

3.     Drawing,poster making, Rangoli, and collage competitions have been organized on theoccasion of Yuva Utsav at the college and district levels on 11/10/2022 and9/12/2021, respectively, based on the theme of Deaddiction.

4.     Onthe occasion of Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav, various competitions like songwriting and singing, poem writing and singing, poster making, and Rangolicompetitions have been organized at the college level and division level basedon the theme Azaadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.

5.     Poem,Rangoli, and poster making competitions have been organized on the occasion ofTeachers' Day celebration based on the themes of women's empowerment and theimportance of education in life.

6.     Aposter making competition was organized by the History Department on WorldHeritage Day on 18 April 2023.

7.    Special Events: Events such as Mathematics Day(December 22-29, 2022) and a two-day national-level online panel discussion onthe Union Budget 2023-2024 and the Economic Survey 2022-2023 are conducted toenhance students' knowledge and engagement.

IPR Activities

·      A one-day national workshop on thetopic of 'Intellectual Property Rights' was organized by the CommerceDepartment of Government Tulsi College, Anuppur on October 19, 2022.

Supporting Documents