Key Indicator 2-5 Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.5.1: Mechanism of internal/ external assessment is transparent and the grievance redressal system is time- bound and efficient

The mechanism to deal with examination-related grievances is transparent, time-bound, and efficient.

  1. - The Internal Assessment Examinations are conducted according to the academic calendar of the Institute, University, and Higher Education Department, MP government. The respective subject teacher sets the question paper and organizes the exam as per the schedule.
  2. - The Institute forms an Examination Committee and nominates examination coordinators or supervisors for the smooth conveyance of the examination.
  3. - The examination committee members meet periodically to discuss all examination-related issues, including grievances.
  4. - The Exam Committee prepares the invigilation duty chart for year-end or semester-end exams, which is communicated to the faculty members via circular. The Exam Committee also allocates the seating arrangements for the students, which is notified to the students through the notice board.
  5. - During the examination, attendance is taken by the invigilator for records. All the invigilators submit the answer scripts to the Examination Committee. The answer scripts are sent to the University for evaluation.
  6. - The overall assessment is based on the marks obtained in internal evaluations through Model Exams, Assignments, Unit Tests, Internals, External Examinations, and attendance.
  7. - Laboratory assessment of students is conducted through the performance of experiments, record work, and continuous evaluation by an external examiner as per the guidance of the University.

Grievance Redressal:

  1. - The institute has a well-developed mechanism to deal with examination-related grievances in a transparent, time-bound, and efficient manner.
  2. - There is a Grievance Committee in the college for solving student grievances. Before the commencement of exams, grievances related to non-issuance of examination hall tickets, correction of names, etc., are addressed to the Principal. He takes the necessary action with the help of the Grievance Redressal Cell and the Examination Committee for verification and compliance.
  3. - The Examination Committee, after verification, carries out the necessary corrections and orders are issued accordingly.
  4. - A flying squad and CCTV monitor the conduct of examinations and take disciplinary action in case of unfair means.
  5. - During the examination, if a student is found using unfair practices by the invigilator, the necessary action is taken as per the defined rules of the University.
  6. - If the result of an examinee is not declared by the University after the exam, the Examination Committee immediately takes steps to solve this problem.
  7. - If any student has objections to the result, they should contact the college exam coordinator. The College Examination Committee and Grievance Redressal Cell address issues if students are unsatisfied with their marks. In cases like absences, an application from a student is forwarded to the University for corrective action, and continuous correspondence is maintained.
  8. - If the examinee is not satisfied with the marks awarded, he or she may apply for revaluation to the University through the college within the period prescribed by the University.
  9. - The marks obtained after revaluation shall be accepted as per University Rules. If the explanation is accepted by the student, the grievance is resolved.