Key Indicator 2-3 Teaching- Learning Process

Metric No. 2.3.1

Metric No. 2.3.1

Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem-solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences and teachers use ICT- enabled tools including online resources for effective teaching and learning process.

The institute's faculties prioritize student-centric approaches in the teaching and learning process. Various student-centric activities have been organizedto enhance the quality of teaching and learning methods.


  1. Research Project and project work-In the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020, a project report paper is introduced in the   undergraduate program starting from the year 2021. In the postgraduate program, a project is already incorporated. Students are sent to various organizations for a duration based on project requirements.
  2. Skill oriented programmes-The college organizes self-employment training programs through the Vivekanand Career Guidance Cell annually. These programs cover a range of practical skills. Vocational courses like vermicomposting, organic farming, horticulture, and personality development are designed to provide real-time experiences to students. The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) invites professionals from reputable institutions as resource persons for special talks, workshops, seminars, and webinars.
  3. Some departments organize field visits, field work and study tours to educationally important areas.
  4. Industrial Visit:  Some department and Vivekanand career guidance cell plan and organize the industrial visits.
  5. Guest lecture: Some departments conduct Guest Lectures by eminent experts
  6. Practical’s are conducted by science faculty to give students the real time exposure.
  7. The college organized science Exhibition last year as a part of experiential learning, the student makes models, poster and diagrams to elaborate their knowledge


  1. Group discussion, Seminars and debates-In order to improve communication skills, idea generation and presentation skills, group discussion and debates are conducted.
  2. NCC and NSS Department organize activities like village adoption, Tree Plantation, Swachh Bharat Mission etc.
  3. Group Work-Group activities like workshops and poster presentations are also conducted.
  4. Peer teaching, presentation by students, team building exercises conducted by NCC and NSS, panel discussion, cultural activities are examples of it.
  5. Our students participate in village adoption and their plantation, Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Blood Donation and health Awareness comp. Student participates in these activities not only as an individual but as a team. Hence this kind of Co-curricular engagement develops the spirit of team work among the students.
  6. Cultural activities- Students participate actively in celebration of special days, Yuva Utsav, sports competitions and annual function.


  1. Case Studies -Case studies through project work used to increase students’ participation and develop problem solving skills.
  2. Quizzes and competitions.
  3. The institute organizes quizzes to develop logical reasoning and problem-solving skills.
  4. Remedial Classes are also conducted for Slow learners’ students


  1. Faculty members use ICT based visual and audio teaching aids and tools to make learning interactive and meaningful.
  2. Government Tulsi Degree College, Anuppur has (03) Smart classroom, one virtual room, four interactive panel class room and one seminar hall with LCD project facility.
  3. WhatsApp group has been created for student since pandemic period. Classes of remedial were also conducted on this platform earliet. YouTube channel is created by department of economics. Google classroom is created and study material are given through this platform. Google meet and google form are also used by faculty members.