Key Indicator 1-3 Curriculum Enrichment


1.3.1 Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability in transacting the Curriculum

Cross cutting issues relevant to Gender, Environment, sustainability, human values and professional ethics are integrated in the curriculum itself. The implementation of issues is further strengthened through curriculum delivery methods through workshops seminars and experiential learning through society connect programs.

·       Gender Sensitization: Issues related to the gender are integrated in to the curriculum through the syllabus of languages in foundation course. The course contains stories and poems related to gender issues and problems. The gender equality is further strengthened by organizing seminars, expert lectures and book reading sessions on the issues. Women and Gender Development cell takes care of gender issues, some of these programs are compulsory for the students to join as some percentage of CCE marks are awarded on the basis of write-ups submitted by the students based upon curriculum-based Gender equality events. Environment and Sustainability.

·       Environment: Environment study is a part of the curriculum of the institution. In the syllabus there is paper on environment and to make the students aware of the theoretical aspects of environment. This makes them aware of their responsibilities as a responsible citizen. With this particular paper students get good understanding of ecosystem, natural resources, biodiversity, biotic resources, pollution due to various factors and its management. Practical awareness about the environmental issues is brought in through workshops and seminars based on ecology and Eco restoration techniques based upon syllabus. Students are also encouraged to submit assignments based upon environmental issues; due weightage is given to such practices in the CCE. In PG programs like Chemistry, and Botany Environmental Chemistry and Ecology are the compulsory papers.

·       Human Values: Human values are integrated into the curriculum through Foundation course in UG program, Foundation course is a compulsory course for all students. Continuous workshops are organized by the concerned departments based upon the issues.

·       Professional ethics: Professional ethics are integrated into the curriculum through in M. Com PG course program.  Professional ethics refers to the ethical principles and standards that govern the behaviour and decisions of professionals in their specific fields. These principles and standards are established to ensure that professionals act with integrity, honesty, and accountability while providing services to their clients, customers, or stakeholders. Professional ethics cover a wide range of professions, including medicine, law, engineering, accounting, teaching, and others. Each profession has its own set of ethical standards that are designed to guide the behaviour of its members.

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