KI 6-5 Internal Quality Assurance System


The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has been pivotal in directing the efforts of all stakeholders towards institutionalizing strategies. By setting benchmarks and parameters for academic and administrative activities during initial IQAC meetings, the institution has implemented numerous quality assurance initiatives, resulting in significant incremental improvements across various domains during the assessment period.

Notably, the NEP-2020 was implemented, alongside the introduction of six vocational courses and various elective, certificate, add-on, and value-added courses. A structured feedback system was established, and a center for Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University, Bhopal, was set up, with cross-cutting issues integrated into the curriculum.

In the area of teaching, learning, and evaluation, student-centric, ICT-enabled, and blended teaching methods were initiated, with Program Outcomes (POs), Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs), and Course Outcomes (COs) defined to support Outcome-Based Education. Experiential, participative, and collaborative learning was promoted through field projects, internships, community engagement, and study tours. The teaching-learning process was monitored via Academic Planners, Teachers’ Diaries, and a feedback system. Faculty were encouraged to develop e-content, and the use of ICT in teaching, learning, and evaluation was enhanced, with support measures for slow and advanced learners implemented, including remedial classes and a mentor-mentee scheme.

In research, innovation, and extension, a Research and Development Cell was established, along with a corresponding policy. Seminars and workshops on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and entrepreneurship were organized, and papers were published in UGC CARE listed journals. Collaborative activities were conducted through MoU’s with prestigious institutions, GOs, and NGOs, with extensive extension activities undertaken via NSS, NCC, and SVCGC.

Regarding infrastructure and learning resources, optimal allocation and utilization of funds for infrastructure development and maintenance were ensured through RUSA and World Bank grants, with IT infrastructure upgraded, and facilities like a playground, parking, NADEP, an open gym, a girls’ hostel, and a girls' common room constructed, alongside vermicomposting. Equipment for science laboratories, projectors, computers, and sports items were procured, with E-Granthalaya established and an NLIST subscription obtained.

Student support and progression were enhanced through expert lectures and workshops on personality development and career counseling, district-level career fairs, an induction program for new students, registration of the Alumni Association, establishment of a career guidance cell, and implementation of the mentor-mentee scheme.

Governance, leadership, and management were strengthened by revising the institution’s vision and mission in alignment with NEP-2020, formulating various policies, conducting Faculty Development Programs (FDP) and training programs for teaching and non-teaching staff, and performing an Academic and Administrative Audit, with participation in NIRF.

Institutional values and best practices were promoted through the establishment of the Eco Club, introduction of new best practices aligned with the institution’s vision and mission, formulation of a Code of Conduct for students and teachers, and conducting various audits, including Gender, Energy, Environmental, and Green Audits, along with the publication of the e-Newspaper “Tipan Bulletin” and establishment of a differently-abled cell. These comprehensive initiatives by the IQAC have significantly enhanced the quality across all aspects of the institution.

Audit Reports-


Use of ICT by teachers
Value added courses