KI 1-1 Curricular Planning and Implementation

Metric No. 1.1.1 QlM

The Institution ensures effective curriculum planning and delivery through a well-planned and documented process including Academic calendar and conduct of continuous internal Assessment. 

           Government Tulsi College Anuppur (M.P.), a college of tribal majority population, was established on 25 July 1972 by an autonomous committee, Tulsi Adhyayan Samiti. Since its inception, the college is affiliated to Awadhesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa for its undergraduate and postgraduate courses.

           In the year 1986, Tulsi College was taken over by a mandate issued by Madhya Pradesh Government, Higher Education Department, Bhopal. In the year 2003, when Anuppur was carved out of Shahdol district and a new district was formed, since then the college has also got the status of Lead College in terms of educational administration in the district. The college has also been granted Tribal Status by the Higher Education Department.

           The college is also a 2(f) and 12(b) recognized institution under the University Grants Commission Act, 1956. Besides this the college is participating in the regular All India Survey of Higher Education (AISHE) since the academic session 2011-12.

            At present, regular courses of undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Arts, Commerce and Science are being run in the college. Certificate course under National Education Policy 2020 in the college from session 2021-22. 






Multi-dimensional development of tribal youth by providing them opportunities for quality inter-disciplinary education and research.



1. To create a comprehensive outlook by imparting inter-disciplinary education to remote youth of Anuppur District.

2. Develop skill, efficiency and promotion by running professional courses that will be supportive in fulfilling the aim of independent India.

3. To link marginal students to well-equipped reputed institutes.

4. Awareness towards community responsibilities providing practical knowledge through area-based activities.






(I). Short-Term Goals –

1. To start. New courses and certificate courses under National Education Policy.

2. To start Post -Graduate Courses in Mathematics and Physics.

3. Purchase of books for library like new books, reference books, magazines, books for the preparation of competitive exams.

4. Develop sports facilities.

5. To undergo MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with administrative institutions.

6. To send proposal to higher education department for construction of additional rooms keeping Students number in view.


(II). Mid Term goals-

1. To increase admission and enrolment ratio in newly started courses.

2. Digitization of library and development of reading room.

3. Develop play- grounds and increase sports-resources.

4. Protection and promotion of cleanliness and environment.

5. To develop facilities for disabled.

6. Management and training of Resources available at local level.


(III). Long Term Goals-

1. Strive to improve teacher-student ratio.

2. To lead the college towards centre of excellence.

3. To establish Research and Advance Learning centre.


·       The Govt. Tulsi College, Anuppur strictly adheres to the academic calendar which is provided by Government of Madhya Pradesh, Department of Higher Education, Bhopal.

·       Institution-level committees are constituted and each committee looking into an aspect of the calendar contributes towards the implementation of plans.

·       Regular and periodical meetings are conveyed under the chairmanship of the principal to review the progress of implementation of the calendar.

·       The members bring issues if any to the notice and consequently suitable actions are being taken to address the issue and ensure the implementation of the plan.

·       The schedule for internal, external examinations is prepared by the affiliating university and accordingly, examinations are conducted.

·       The examination committee headed by senior faculty looks after all activities including issues of schedule, the conduct of examination, evaluation of papers, uploading the CCE and practical marks on the university portal as per the norms.

·       If any grievances in this regard are addressed immediately.



Different teaching methodologies are adopted by teachers for effective curricular delivery in blended mode, this includes

·       Lecture method.

·       Use of ICT: The college is well equipped with state-of-the-art smart class rooms, virtual class rooms, audio-visual and other ICT facilities.

·       Video lectures.

·       Simulation Classes: mainly used to implement practical Curriculum

·       Study Groups: offline on campus and online study groups through WhatsApp and email are created

·       Field Projects and experiential learning: UG students in the last year of their program and PG students are encouraged to participate and opt for field Projects.

·       Assignments Workshops & Seminars: Learner centric curriculum delivery is achieved through student’s participation in workshops Seminars.

Value Added courses:

Curriculum is enriched and strengthened through 30-hour value added courses.

Time Table

·       A uniform time table of college is prepared by the time table committee and separately time table prepared each department according to with it.

·       The daily diary maintained by teachers keep record of the syllabus covered.

·       For effective curriculum delivery ample of books are provided by the library, Remote access of the library through NLIST provided to students and teachers, the digital database provided in the form of Power point presentations, Swayam, digital Resources, e-books and e-content on the library page hosted on Institutional website.

·       Institution ensures a robust feedback system to gather inputs about curriculum from all the stake holders.

The institution academic calendar

·       Academic Calendar is provided by the Department of MP Higher Education Govt. Of M.P. prior to the beginning of Academic year. Academic calendar has provisions for conducting theory classes, CCE, practical exams, end semester exams, Sports activities, Cultural activities, youth festival Semester break and summer holidays. There is admission cell (Committee), as well as examination (Committee) cell in the college.

·       The implementation of academic calendar in the college. IQAC prepares incorporating all calendars issued by DHE from time to time. All the activities are organized accordingly within the provided schedule.

·       Teachers prepare and exhibit lesson plan on the notice board to acquaint students with the curricular plan defined in the academic calendar, a prior notification of the plan of the syllabus to be completed, teaching methodology to be adopted by the teacher and evaluation method to be used is notified to the students through lesson plan.

·       Examination schedule is prepared and declared by the University for the Whole University Jurisdiction. University also notifies about the online entry of marks to be completed by the college viz CCE marks and practical marks. College also adheres to these dates strictly.

·       Academic Calendar declared by DHE

·       College Time Table

·       CCE Schedule Calendar

·       Activity Calendar

Teachers of the Institution participate in following activities related to curriculum development and assessment of the affiliating University

·       Setting of question papers for UG/PG programs

·       Design and Development of Curriculum for Add on/ certificate

Assessment /evaluation process of the affiliating University

Academic Calendar

Activity Calendar

College Time Table– Integrated & Department wise

College CCE Time Table

Students Attendance Register

Teaching Diary

Teacher’s Paper Drafting Letters

List Of Courses Offered Across All Programs During Last Five Years.