K I 6-2 Strategy Development and Dep


The institutional perspective plan is effectively deployed and functioning of the institutional bodies is effective and efficient as visible from policies, administrative setup, appointment, service rules, and procedures, etc.

In Madhya Pradesh, the Higher Education Department is working administratively with the Secretariat and the Ministry. The Commissioner is the highest executive authority in the Higher Education Secretariat and Issues orders directly to the colleges. As a government-affiliated institution, our college diligently adheres to the guidelines and directives issued by the Department of Higher Education, Government of Madhya Pradesh. The Principal, serving as the leader of institution, collaborates with the Heads of Departments (HODs) and various committees to develop and execute policies, strategic plans, and development initiatives in a democratic and inclusive manner.

The Principal is supported in both academic and administrative duties by a diverse team comprising the heads of all departments, the sports officer, the librarian, conveners and members of various committees, and office staff. The HODs manage the activities within their respective departments, while the Head Clerk handles establishment-related matters, with assistance from the Accountant and Lower Division Clerks (LDCs) who oversee accounts and finance-related tasks.

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) is tasked with creating the Annual Action Plan focused on quality enhancement and maintenance, ensuring consistent implementation of quality measures throughout the academic session.

The Staff Council, led by a senior professor as its secretary and including all teaching staff as members, functions as a statutory body to make policy decisions for the institution.

Our Janbhagidari Samiti, includes representatives from the local community such as social workers, politicians, educationists, industrialists, entrepreneurs, alumni, students, and parents. The government nominates the Chairman of the JBS, with the Principal acting as the secretary. This committee manages and setting fee structures, generating revenue, and utilizing funds for infrastructure development, maintenance, and overall college management.

In terms of financial management, the Principal, in coordination with the Amalgamation Fund Committee—which includes senior professors, the sports officer, the librarian, and the accountant—plans the utilization of the Amalgamation Fund. The Principal also holds regular meetings with RUSA and World Bank committees to apply for funds and plan their effective use for academic and infrastructural improvements. Benefiting from RUSA and the World Bank-funded MPHEQIP, the college has secured grants for various infrastructure and academic projects.

Regarding service rules, the college follows those established by the UGC and the Government of Madhya Pradesh. All employees adhere to the Government Service Rules of MP (1965). Additionally, all procurement activities in the college are governed by the MP General Financial Rules 2015.

Permanent faculty appointments are made by the state government according to UGC norms through the MPPSC. Guest faculty for vacant positions are recruited via an online mechanism devised by the DHE, while guest faculty for self-financed courses are invited by the Secretary of the Janbhagidari Samiti, in accordance with DHE guidelines.